
West Contra Costa News

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Contra Costa County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?

Webp superintendent of public instruction tony thurmond 2023

CA Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond 2023 | California Department of Education

CA Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond 2023 | California Department of Education

Pittsburg Senior High School had the highest enrollment among Contra Costa County schools, welcoming 3,494 students during the 2022-23 school year, according to the California Department of Education.

Of all the students welcomed in the 2022-23 school year, 50.8% of them were girls, 49.1% were boys, and 0.1% identified themselves as non-binary or did not specify their gender.

Among the 252 schools in Contra Costa County, Dougherty Valley High School ranked second in enrollment numbers with 3,255 students, while California High School welcomed 2,879 students and ranked third in the 2022-23 school year.

Pittsburg Senior High School is part of Pittsburg Unified School District, which roughly covers schools within Contra Costa County and has a main office in Pittsburg.

In the previous school year, Pittsburg Senior High School also had the highest number of students among Contra Costa County schools.

In the last decade, enrollment in California elementary and secondary schools rose by at least 5%, while high school enrollment dropped 5%.

However, overall enrollment in California public schools is sliding, and predicted by the Public Policy Institute of California to drop another 8% by the 2031-32 school year.

Enrollment in Pittsburg Senior High School Over 5 Years

Enrollment in Contra Costa County Schools During 2022-23 School Year
School nameCityTotal School Enrollment
Pittsburg Senior High SchoolPittsburg3,494
Dougherty Valley High SchoolSan Ramon3,255
California High SchoolSan Ramon2,879
Liberty High SchoolBrentwood2,786
Heritage High SchoolBrentwood2,559
Freedom High SchoolOakley2,527
Monte Vista High SchoolDanville2,243
San Ramon Valley High SchoolDanville1,981
Antioch High SchoolAntioch1,960
College Park HighPleasant Hill1,956
Deer Valley High SchoolAntioch1,851
Las Lomas High SchoolWalnut Creek1,571
El Cerrito High SchoolEl Cerrito1,522
Northgate High SchoolWalnut Creek1,507
Mt. Diablo High SchoolConcord1,498
Richmond High SchoolRichmond1,431
Campolindo High SchoolMoraga1,343
Pinole Valley High SchoolPinole1,280
Acalanes High SchoolLafayette1,259
De Anza High SchoolRichmond1,237
Ygnacio Valley High SchoolConcord1,172
Miramonte High SchoolOrinda1,169
Concord High SchoolConcord1,167
William B. Bristow Middle SchoolBrentwood1,158
Windemere Ranch Middle SchoolSan Ramon1,107
Alhambra Senior High SchoolMartinez1,105
Gale Ranch Middle SchoolSan Ramon1,075
Adams (J. Douglas) Middle SchoolBrentwood1,067
M. H. Stanley Middle SchoolLafayette1,064
Iron Horse Middle SchoolSan Ramon1,009
Park Middle SchoolAntioch996
Edna Hill Middle SchoolBrentwood995
Walnut Creek Intermediate SchoolWalnut Creek985
Pine Valley Middle SchoolSan Ramon957
Pioneer Elementary SchoolBrentwood941
Delta Vista Middle SchoolOakley910
Hillview Junior High SchoolPittsburg910
Diablo Vista Middle SchoolDanville889
Charlotte Wood Middle SchoolDanville878
Foothill Middle SchoolWalnut Creek876
Sequoia Middle SchoolPleasant Hill856
Quail Run Elementary SchoolSan Ramon853
El Dorado Middle SchoolConcord832
Orinda Intermediate SchoolOrinda832
John F. Kennedy High SchoolRichmond823
Brentwood Elementary SchoolBrentwood821
Hidden Valley Elementary SchoolMartinez809
R. Paul Krey Elementary SchoolBrentwood792
Rancho Medanos Junior High SchoolPittsburg791
Garin Elementary SchoolBrentwood790
Valley View Middle SchoolPleasant Hill777
O'Hara Park Middle SchoolOakley772
Martinez Junior High SchoolMartinez767
Riverview Middle SchoolBay Point766
Meadow Homes Elementary SchoolConcord748
Marsh Creek Elementary SchoolBrentwood747
Martin Luther King Jr. Junior High SchoolPittsburg738
Hercules High SchoolHercules734
Oak Grove Middle SchoolConcord720
Orchard ParkOakley716
Dallas Ranch Middle SchoolAntioch710
Mary Casey Black Elementary SchoolBrentwood701
Pleasant Hill Middle SchoolPleasant Hill700
Dozier-Libbey Medical High SchoolAntioch699
Mt. Diablo Elementary SchoolClayton693
Burton Valley Elementary SchoolLafayette684
Fred T. Korematsu Middle SchoolEl Cerrito681
Bancroft Elementary SchoolWalnut Creek675
Gehringer Elementary SchoolOakley674
Antioch Middle SchoolAntioch660
Coyote Creek Elementary SchoolSan Ramon660
Greenbrook Elementary SchoolDanville657
Loma Vista Elementary SchoolBrentwood653
Muir (John) Elementary SchoolAntioch650
Ron Nunn Elementary SchoolBrentwood646
Golden View Elementary SchoolSan Ramon643
Twin Creeks Elementary SchoolSan Ramon639
Walnut Acres Elementary SchoolWalnut Creek638
Montevideo Elementary SchoolSan Ramon631
Valhalla Elementary SchoolPleasant Hill631
Joaquin Moraga Intermediate SchoolMoraga629
Los Medanos Elementary SchoolPittsburg626
Pleasant Hill Elementary SchoolPleasant Hill614
Stoneman Elementary SchoolPittsburg595
Sequoia Elementary SchoolPleasant Hill593
Delta View Elementary SchoolPittsburg591
Helms Middle SchoolSan Pablo591
Hercules Middle SchoolHercules590
Pine Hollow Middle SchoolConcord589
Sycamore Valley Elementary SchoolDanville589
Marina Vista Elementary SchoolPittsburg587
Willow Cove Elementary SchoolPittsburg583
Stone Valley Middle SchoolAlamo580
Strandwood Elementary SchoolPleasant Hill578
Rodeo Hills Elementary SchoolRodeo571
Vista Independent Study / Virtual AcademySan Pablo568
Live Oak Elementary SchoolSan Ramon567
Grant Elementary SchoolRichmond562
Parkside Elementary SchoolPittsburg552
Creekside Elementary SchoolDanville551
Hidden Hills Elementary SchoolSan Ramon545
Vista Grande Elementary SchoolDanville543
Monte Gardens Elementary SchoolConcord539
Foothill Elementary SchoolPittsburg537
Peres Elementary SchoolRichmond537
Heights Elementary SchoolPittsburg532
Dover Elementary SchoolSan Pablo530
Marsh Elementary SchoolAntioch530
Summer Lake Elementary SchoolOakley522
John Swett Elementary SchoolMartinez521
Lafayette Elementary SchoolLafayette521
Country Club Elementary SchoolSan Ramon516
Silverwood Elementary SchoolConcord515
Lone Tree Elementary SchoolAntioch513
Diablo View Middle SchoolClayton512
Mira Vista Elementary SchoolRichmond512
Green Valley Elementary SchoolDanville511
Walt Disney Elementary SchoolSan Ramon507
Morello Park Elementary SchoolMartinez506
Fairmont Elementary SchoolEl Cerrito503
Montair Elementary SchoolDanville503
Neil A. Armstrong Elementary SchoolSan Ramon502
Tassajara Hills Elementary SchoolDanville502
Bella Vista Elementary SchoolSan Ramon500
Los Cerros Middle SchoolDanville500
Bollinger Canyon Elementary SchoolSan Ramon497
Iron House Elementary SchoolOakley496
Highlands Elementary SchoolConcord492
Highlands Elementary SchoolPittsburg483
Mission Elementary SchoolAntioch479
Cambridge Elementary SchoolConcord476
Harding Elementary SchoolEl Cerrito475
Montalvin Manor Elementary SchoolSan Pablo475
Almond Grove Elementary SchoolOakley471
Diablo Vista Elementary SchoolAntioch470
Jack London Elementary SchoolAntioch468
Valle Verde Elementary SchoolWalnut Creek467
Buena Vista Elementary SchoolWalnut Creek466
Madera Elementary SchoolEl Cerrito465
Sutter Elementary SchoolAntioch464
Glorietta Elementary SchoolOrinda462
Happy Valley Elementary SchoolLafayette455
Springhill Elementary SchoolLafayette453
Ohlone Elementary SchoolHercules452
Wagner Ranch Elementary SchoolOrinda447
Rio Vista Elementary SchoolBay Point446
Nystrom Elementary SchoolRichmond444
Rancho Romero Elementary SchoolAlamo442
Vintage Parkway Elementary SchoolOakley440
John Baldwin Elementary SchoolDanville437
Turner Elementary SchoolAntioch436
Cesar E. Chavez Elementary SchoolRichmond435
Belshaw Elementary SchoolAntioch434
Fremont Elementary SchoolAntioch433
Michelle Obama Elementary SchoolEl Cerrito431
Thomas Gaines Virtual AcademyAntioch431
Grant Elementary SchoolAntioch430
Excelsior Middle SchoolByron428
El Monte Elementary SchoolConcord425
Edward M. Downer Elementary SchoolSan Pablo425
Holbrook Language AcademyConcord425
Tice CreekWalnut Creek424
Carmen Dragon Elementary SchoolAntioch421
Kensington Elementary SchoolKensington421
Del Rey Elementary SchoolOrinda420
Parkmead Elementary SchoolWalnut Creek415
Donald L. Rheem Elementary SchoolMoraga411
John Muir Elementary SchoolMartinez410
Shore Acres Elementary SchoolBay Point409
Discovery Bay Elementary SchoolDiscovery Bay407
Lovonya DeJean Middle SchoolRichmond404
Murphy Elementary SchoolEl Sobrante404
Walnut Heights Elementary SchoolWalnut Creek403
Ygnacio Valley Elementary SchoolConcord403
Betty Reid Soskin Middle SchoolEl Sobrante401
Pinole Middle SchoolPinole399
West County MandarinRichmond397
Ford Elementary SchoolRichmond395
Hanna Ranch Elementary SchoolHercules392
Highland Elementary SchoolRichmond389
Kimball Elementary SchoolAntioch387
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary SchoolRichmond385
John Swett High SchoolCrockett380
Ayers Elementary SchoolConcord377
Murwood Elementary SchoolWalnut Creek377
Stewart Elementary SchoolPinole376
Los Perales Elementary SchoolMoraga375
Laurel Elementary SchoolOakley374
Lupine Hills Elementary SchoolHercules371
Oakley Elementary SchoolOakley371
Timber Point Elementary SchoolDiscovery Bay371
Black Diamond Middle SchoolAntioch369
Sun Terrace Elementary SchoolConcord364
Lake Elementary SchoolSan Pablo362
Bel Air Elementary SchoolBay Point360
Gregory Gardens Elementary SchoolPleasant Hill358
Indian Valley Elementary SchoolWalnut Creek356
Sleepy Hollow Elementary SchoolOrinda350
Tara Hills Elementary SchoolSan Pablo347
Las Juntas Elementary SchoolMartinez341
Wren Avenue Elementary SchoolConcord337
Alamo Elementary SchoolAlamo336
Shannon Elementary SchoolPinole335
Olinda Elementary SchoolEl Sobrante333
Coronado Elementary SchoolRichmond329
Bayview Elementary SchoolSan Pablo325
Washington Elementary SchoolRichmond323
Camino Pablo Elementary SchoolMoraga320
Collins Elementary SchoolPinole317
Fair Oaks Elementary SchoolPleasant Hill317
Lincoln Elementary SchoolRichmond316
Sheldon Elementary SchoolRichmond314
Ellerhorst Elementary SchoolPinole312
Riverside Elementary SchoolRichmond310
Verde Elementary SchoolRichmond308
Old River Elementary SchoolKnightsen305
Eagle Peak MontessoriWalnut Creek293
Middle College HighSan Pablo281
Woodside Elementary SchoolConcord278
Knightsen Elementary SchoolKnightsen272
Horizons School: Independent StudyPleasant Hill269
Carquinez Middle SchoolCrockett254
Olympic Continuation High SchoolConcord254
Stege Elementary SchoolRichmond253
Prospects High (Alternative)Antioch248
Westwood Elementary SchoolConcord245
Greenwood AcademyRichmond218
Black Diamond High (Continuation)Pittsburg217
Mountain View Elementary SchoolConcord216
Valley View Elementary SchoolRichmond206
La Paloma High (Continuation)Brentwood191
Live Oak High (Continuation)Antioch148
Independence High SchoolBrentwood140
Bidwell Continuation High SchoolAntioch135
Venture (Alternative)San Ramon128
CCCOE Special Education ProgramsAntioch126
Golden Gate CommunityPittsburg90
Prospect High (Continuation)Pleasant Hill66
Canyon Elementary SchoolCanyon65
Briones (Alternative)Martinez59
Mt. McKinleyMartinez51
Vicente Martinez High SchoolMartinez49
Acalanes Center for Independent StudyWalnut Creek47
Floyd I. MarchusConcord46
MDUSD PreschoolsPleasant Hill40
Del Amigo High (Continuation)Danville27
Willow High SchoolCrockett25
Byron Institute for Independent StudyDiscovery Bay21
Sunrise (Special Education)Concord21
Central County Special Education ProgramsAlamo16
Crossroads High SchoolConcord16
Glenbrook AcademyCONCORD15


Campolindo High SchoolGolden Gate Community CharterLafayette Elementary SchoolPine Valley Middle SchoolHighland Elementary SchoolOlympic Continuation High SchoolAntioch High SchoolWalnut Heights Elementary SchoolWest County MandarinFremont Elementary SchoolHeights Elementary SchoolMary Casey Black ElementaryGlorietta Elementary SchoolEagle Peak MontessoriHidden Valley Elementary SchoolAcalanes Center for Independent StudyEl Dorado Middle SchoolEdna Hill Middle SchoolOakley Elementary SchoolAdams (j. Douglas) Middle SchoolGreenbrook Elementary SchoolMonte Gardens Elementary SchoolRancho Romero Elementary SchoolMeadow Homes Elementary SchoolPinole Valley High SchoolHanna Ranch Elementary SchoolQuail Run Elementary SchoolHappy Valley Elementary SchoolEllerhorst Elementary SchoolRancho Medanos Junior High SchoolJack London Elementary SchoolBollinger Canyon Elementary SchoolMartin Luther King Jr. ElementaryCrossroads HighCanyon Elementary SchoolCarquinez MiddleCarmen Dragon Elementary SchoolSycamore Valley Elementary SchoolVista High (alternative)Washington Elementary SchoolBuena Vista Elementary SchoolIron Horse Middle SchoolBidwell Continuation High SchoolJohn Muir Elementary SchoolCountry Club Elementary SchoolOak Grove Middle SchoolHighlands Elementary SchoolWalnut Creek IntermediateOrchard ParkWagner Ranch Elementary SchoolO'Hara Park Middle SchoolMission Elementary SchoolBel Air Elementary SchoolOld River ElementaryGreen Valley Elementary SchoolMurwood Elementary SchoolCambridge Elementary SchoolDeer Valley High SchoolPioneer Elementary SchoolLa Paloma High (continuation)M.h. Stanley Middle SchoolMountain. Diablo High SchoolVerde Elementary SchoolMt. McKinley SchoolLupine Hills Elementary SchoolAlmond Grove ElementaryLovonya Dejean Middle SchoolPinole Middle SchoolFord ElementaryAlamo Elementary SchoolCesar E. Chavez Elementary SchoolSilverwood Elementary SchoolRiverside Elementary SchoolParkside Elementary SchoolFloyd I. MarchusWindemere Ranch Middle SchoolFoothill Elementary SchoolJoaquin Moraga IntermediateHidden Hills Elementary SchoolRodeo Hills Elementary SchoolGrant Elementary SchoolSequoia Middle SchoolStoneman Elementary SchoolFoothill Middle SchoolGreenwood AcademyLos Medanos Elementary SchoolIndependence High SchoolFairmont Elementary SchoolPleasant Hill Middle SchoolHillview Junior High SchoolMorello Park Elementary SchoolGehringer Elementary SchoolMontair Elementary SchoolBelshaw Elementary SchoolPine Hollow Middle SchoolMountain. Diablo Elementary SchoolWren Avenue Elementary SchoolBayview Elementary SchoolHarding Elementary SchoolStewart Elementary SchoolBrentwood Elementary SchoolTassajara Hills Elementary SchoolLake Elementary SchoolJohn Swett Elementary SchoolJohn F. Kennedy HighHercules High SchoolMiramonte High SchoolVista Grande Elementary SchoolLos Cerros Middle SchoolValley View Elementary SchoolHorizons School: Independent StudyGale Ranch Middle SchoolValley View Middle SchoolParkmead Elementary SchoolMartinez Junior High SchoolKensington Elementary SchoolPleasant Hill Elementary SchoolStrandwood Elementary SchoolTara Hills Elementary SchoolPeres Elementary SchoolShore Acres Elementary SchoolWalnut Acres Elementary SchoolDiablo Vista Middle SchoolNorthgate High SchoolVintage Parkway Elementary SchoolEdward M. Downer Elementary SchoolHelms Middle SchoolSan Ramon Valley High SchoolMontalvin Manor Elementary SchoolSutter Elementary SchoolStege Elementary SchoolLas Lomas High SchoolOrinda IntermediateLos Perales Elementary SchoolDiablo View Middle SchoolCharlotte Wood Middle SchoolMuir (john) Elementary SchoolShannon Elementary SchoolDel Rey Elementary SchoolWilliam B. Bristow Middle SchoolIron House Elementary SchoolValhalla Elementary SchoolPittsburg Senior High SchoolLiberty High SchoolDiablo Vista Elementary SchoolNystrom Elementary SchoolGrant Elementary SchoolDelta Vista Middle SchoolTice CreekCalifornia Department of EducationNeil A. Armstrong Elementary SchoolCollins Elementary SchoolDiscovery Bay Elementary SchoolMarsh Elementary SchoolWoodside Elementary SchoolBella Vista ElementaryKimball Elementary SchoolSequoia Elementary SchoolCoronado Elementary SchoolIndian Valley Elementary SchoolBriones (alternative)Lone Tree Elementary SchoolPark Middle SchoolLas Juntas Elementary SchoolWillow High SchoolDelta View Elementary SchoolStone Valley Middle SchoolVenture (alternative)Lincoln Elementary SchoolVicente Martinez High SchoolBlack Diamond Middle SchoolJohn Swett High SchoolMarina Vista Elementary SchoolAntioch Middle SchoolCoyote Creek Elementary SchoolR. Paul Krey Elementary SchoolBurton Valley Elementary SchoolDover Elementary SchoolHeritage High SchoolGolden View Elementary SchoolSpringhill Elementary SchoolProspect High (continuation)Del Amigo High (continuation)Ayers Elementary SchoolProspects High (alternative)Fair Oaks Elementary SchoolCamino Pablo Elementary SchoolBlack Diamond High (continuation)Murphy Elementary SchoolKnightsen Elementary SchoolExcelsior Middle SchoolSunrise (special Education)El Cerrito HighYgnacio Valley High SchoolDallas Ranch Middle SchoolFred T. Korematsu MiddleEl Monte Elementary SchoolConcord High SchoolSleepy Hollow Elementary SchoolDozier-Libbey Medical High SchoolMarsh Creek Elementary SchoolSheldon Elementary SchoolBancroft Elementary SchoolLoma Vista Elementary SchoolCreekside Elementary SchoolMadera Elementary SchoolMiddle College High SchoolWestwood Elementary SchoolDe Anza HighJohn Baldwin Elementary SchoolGregory Gardens Elementary SchoolTimber Point Elementary SchoolMountain View Elementary SchoolHolbrook Language AcademyFreedom High SchoolTurner Elementary SchoolMira Vista Elementary SchoolValle Verde Elementary SchoolRio Vista Elementary SchoolYgnacio Valley Elementary SchoolOlinda Elementary SchoolOhlone Elementary SchoolLive Oak Elementary SchoolCalifornia High SchoolRon Nunn Elementary SchoolGarin Elementary SchoolWillow Cove Elementary SchoolMontevideo Elementary SchoolTwin Creeks Elementary SchoolRiverview Middle SchoolDonald L. Rheem Elementary SchoolLive Oak High (continuation)Hercules Middle SchoolAlhambra Senior High SchoolWalt Disney Elementary SchoolSun Terrace Elementary SchoolLaurel Elementary SchoolMartin Luther King Jr. Junior HighHighlands Elementary SchoolCentral County Special Education ProgramsRichmond High School


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